Starting Off Right!

Start your day of right!

Everest Online Student Blog


You have an opportunity to learn more new, exciting things! Whichever course you are in, I promise there are things that you can do to make it run smoothly. Here are some tips I use for my own studies.

The Syllabus

It’s good to print or save a copy of this document to your desktop. It’s also very important that you read the document; it gives you an idea of how much time you will need to give to a particular course. For instance, some courses have light reading; others have not so light reading. If this course syllabus doesn’t have as much heavy reading, you’re more likely to know you can fit it in a smaller time slot.

If you have multiple courses, this will be a really good way to see how much time you need to give to each course.

Time Management

We understand that most of…

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